Never expect to lose weight by eating? Your expectations come true. Here are five super foods that can help get the slim body of your dreams.
A study from the University of Rio de Janeiro states, if you want to lose weight, do not forget to fill your fruit bowl pear premises. The study, published in the journal Nutrition reveals, women who ate three pears a day consumed fewer total calories and lose more weight than those who did not.
Fiber content in it (one pear meet 15 percent of the total recommended daily fiber) otherwise help make you more full and prevent overeating. Try to eat pears before eating to help hungry. Also, make sure to consume with the skin. Because most fiber content in pear skin.
Eating half a grapefruit before meals, according to researchers from the Scripps Clinic in California, can help you lose weight as much as half a kilogram a week. This applies even if you do not change anything from your diet. Study author, Ken Fujioka, MD, states, a component in grapefruit helps regulate insulin, fat storage hormone.
"Food anything that helps reduce insulin can help you lose weight," Fujioka said, as quoted site. "And grapefruit is one of those foods."
A study published in the International Journal of Obesity reveals, eat a handful of almonds a day, along with a healthy diet, can help burn fat. Study participants who ate almonds every day for six months managed to remove 18 percent of the body is weak. Being those who follow a diet with the same amount of calories and protein, but replace the almonds with simple carbohydrates (like crackers), with the same number of calories, only 11 per cent lower.
Always avoid a diet of chocolate with a reason? It's good to satisfy your tongue tastes. A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that dark chocolate and other antioxidant-rich foods can help prevent the buildup of fat cells in the body.
Peas are rich in resistant starch, a powerful fat burner. Half cup of peas contains nearly 10 grams of resistant starch. According to researchers from the University of Colorado, you can burn 25 percent fat by eating esktra peas or other foods rich in resistant starch.
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