Proper Diet Prevent Heart Disease

Cardio Vascular Desease (CVD) is a condition which includes stroke and heart disease. Although several factors causing this disease can not be prevented, we can still change your lifestyle.

Risk factors that can be changed

Some risk factors are strongly associated with CVD can be changed or modified, including:

* Smoking
* Elevated levels of koleterol LDL / bad cholesterol
* High levels of triglycerides
* Cholesterol HDL / good cholesterol low
* Being overweight
* Excess of waist circumference
* Less physically active
* Diabetes

Changes in diet

Doing small changes to your diet is the most simple and most effective way to reduce the risk of CVD. You can do this by following steps:

* Reduce fat in your diet, especially trans fats and saturated fats
* Eat more fruits and vegetables, foods of rice and pure soluble fiber
* Consuming alcohol in moderation
* Reduce salt intake to maintain lower blood pressure


Reduce the amount of fat from your diet list, khusnya saturated fat, can help reduce cholesterol in the blood. There are strong links between high cholesterol levels with heart disease risk. For those not at risk of CVD, cholesterol levels should be below 5 mmol / liter. People with average energy should consume no more than 70g/hari fat and saturated fat less than 20g / day.

Trans fat is a common type of fat found in meat and dairy products, margarine, candy or sweets, processed foods such as cake, biscuits and cakes. These foods have the same effect as saturated fat and cholesterol should be avoided as much as possible. We reduce the total fat, it is important to not eliminate good fats for the heart of your diet list includes mono and poly unsaturated fat and omega-3, which are found in plants and fish oil.

How to modify your fat intake:

* Use a little butter or oil bulk
* Choose lean meats or get rid of fat
* Better to bake, burn, or steaming instead of frying
* Replace saturated fats such as margarine with unsaturated fats like sunflower oil or olive oil
* Limit your intake of trans fats from processed foods
* Eat 2-3 servings of fish oil every week (such as sardines, mackerel, fresh tuna, salmon)

Essential fatty

Essential fats like omega-3, which is widely available in fish oils, proven to reduce CVD risk by lowering levels of triglycerides in the blood, reduce blood clotting and regulate heart rhythm. To maintain cardiovascular health in general, consume two servings of fish per week, one of them should contain oil.

Stanols and sterols

Components derived from plants, stanols and sterols proven to reduce cholesterol levels. Yoghurt, drinks of soy and soy products contain both of these substances. Sterols, especially works for those who have high cholesterol levels in the blood even after changing the diet. Clinical trials indicate if used regularly, this substance can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients including vitamins C and E and karetenoid all of which are antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect the heart by limiting the damaging effects of cholesterol in body tissue. Eat at least five measures of fruit and vegetables per day.

Complex grains and fiber

Studies involving many participants in the United States has shown, a diet rich in whole grains may reduce the risk of CVD complex up to 30%. You can enter the grain complex every time you eat by choosing bread made from grain complex and various pasta and rice complex.

Soluble fiber, such as those found in oats and soy can help lower LDL cholesterol. These foods should be included in a list of your diet for at least 2-3 times a week.


Consuming alcohol in moderation, between one and two units per day, proved to reduce CVD risk. Alcohol can increase HDL cholesterol levels and reduce blood clotting. However, excessive alcohol intake may increase the risk of CVD.

Soy protein

Diets that include at least 25g per day of soybeans was associated with a reduction in LDL cholesterol and CVD. Isoflavones in soy shown to reduce CVD risk because it inhibits the growth of cells that form plaques in arteries. Soy protein is also the substance of a good substitute to replace meat.

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